Science experiment
Science experiment
Science experiment
Electromagnetic spectrum wavelength experiment
Students in PE learning basketball 😎
Fun Friday Sport Day!! Ketchup and Mustard! Had a BLAST!
Fun Friday Sport Day!! Ketchup and Mustard! Had a BLAST!
Fun Friday Sport Day!! Ketchup and Mustard! Had a BLAST!
Student body at work and a fun game of ketchup and mustard for grades 4 through 8!
Fun Friday Sport Day!! Ketchup and Mustard! Had a BLAST!
Mrs. Centeno's first graders planted cabbage seeds then the scholars took them home. One parent shared the success of the assignment! Bravo 1st grade.
Winter session middle school activities!
Good Morning Parents
We would like to inform you that Mr. Noe Bus is not available this week for Winter intercession. Please drop students off if you able to.
Buenos dias padres Nos gustaría informarles que el Sr. Noe autobus no está disponible esta semana para la intercesión de invierno. Por favor, deje a los estudiantes si puede.
Winter session STEAM activities!
Boys won tournament undefeated season very proud of all of them and their hard work ⚽️😎
Parent University
Way to go boy’ssoccer teams both won. Super proud of you all 😎👍🏻
Sixth and seventh grade enjoying the trails at SCICON.