Good morning today the bus is in route to pick up students. Thank you for your patience
about 5 years ago, Ducor UESD
Bus #6 will not be available THURSDAY and Friday. Jeff is out. All students that can walk to school must walk. Sorry for the inconveniences. Mr Rodriguez
about 5 years ago, Ducor UESD
8th trip🇺🇸
about 5 years ago, Lupita Flores
Our future 🇺🇸 Committe Men.
class of 2020👩🏽‍🎓👨🏾‍🎓
Melissa Hurtado🇺🇸
Ducor 8th Grade visits California State Capital
about 5 years ago, Lupita Flores
Departure 🚌🚦
Lets go🚌🚦
Ducor has Arrived!💙
Hockey game
about 5 years ago, Ducor UESD
Picture day
about 5 years ago, Ducor UESD
dia de fotos
8th grade are in Ms. Britt’s class working on an architect project. They are using their skills of geometric angles to design their own city or home!
about 5 years ago, Samantha Britt
1st and 3rd grade PE time
about 5 years ago, Ducor UESD
1st and 3rd grades
PE time
6th grade studying Science
about 5 years ago, Ducor UESD
6th grade Science
2nd grade snacking on fruit
about 5 years ago, Ducor UESD
2nd grade
8th grade helping 3rd grade with the test
about 5 years ago, Ducor UESD
8th and 3rd
Arts and Crafts with Mrs McGil
about 5 years ago, Isidro Rodriguez
arts and crafts
arts and crafts
arts and crafts
Ducor PTA We are in need of parents to commit some time engaging parent meetings. The Ducor Parent Teacher Association helps parents to form a collaborative team. Parents have a strong relationship with the school staff and support student activities. Please consider joining.
about 5 years ago, Isidro Rodriguez
Reptile Man 🐍🐢🐸🌿🌱 is here at DUCOR!💙
about 5 years ago, Lupita Flores
princess🦄 and the frog🐸
pick Me🙂🐍
7th grade is using their VALORES to spread kindness!
about 5 years ago, Samantha Britt
Kindness Challenge
Welcome parents. Thank you for installing thrillshare to your phone. We hope we share your students day with you. We are excited to have you on campus with us during your busy day. We will share fun pictures, comments and important information. Please share your experience with us when you can. Your opinion and support is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
about 5 years ago, Ducor UESD
Hockey 🏒
about 5 years ago, Louis Smith
Fun 😁
Ducor P.E FUN 😎
about 5 years ago, Louis Smith
Hello from the bestest 2nd grade class on campus!
about 5 years ago, Maryann Woodruff
January 16 Kindergarten and TK students will be wearing snow hats. We will also be having Hot Chocolate for our winter Activity at 9:00 am.
about 5 years ago, Rachel Centeno