Ducor Rams @ Stone Corral. Rams Football and Volleyball win!
4 months ago, Jeff Delk
Schoolwide attendance for 9/6/24 is 98.5%, 130/132
4 months ago, Jeff Delk
Parents, our annual bookfair next week September 9-September 13, 2024 from 8:30-2:00 and 5-7 on September 13 during Back to School Night. Padres, nuestra feria de libros comenzara el 9 de septiembre a el 13 de septiembre de 8:30-2:00 y 5-7 el jueves 12 de septiembre durante la noche de regreso a clases. https://bookfairs.scholastic.com/bf/ducorunionelemschdistrict
4 months ago, Dr. Jesse Coronado
Cambio de horario del juego debido a la ola de calor Estimados padres/tutores, Debido a la ola de calor actual, el juego de mañana contra Stone Corral ha sido reprogramado para las 9:50 AM, para garantizar la seguridad de nuestros estudiantes y el personal. Saldremos de Ducor a las 8:30 AM y llegaremos a Stone Corral a las 9:30 AM. Los equipos femeninos jugarán los juegos A y B, mientras que los equipos masculinos jugarán un juego combinado de A y B. Estaremos regresando a Ducor alrededor de las 12:20 PM. Agradecemos su comprensión y esperamos que puedan venir a apoyar a su estudiante. Gracias, Rachel Centeno and Rudy Morales
4 months ago, Dr. Jesse Coronado
Subject: Game Time Change Due to Heat Wave Dear Parents/Guardians, Due to the ongoing heat wave, tomorrow's game against Stone Corral has been rescheduled to 9:50 AM for the safety of our students and staff. We will be departing from Ducor at 8:30 AM and arriving at Stone Corral by 9:30 AM. The girls' teams will play both A and B games, while the boys will play a combined A and B game. We will be returning to Ducor at 12:20 PM. We appreciate your understanding, and we hope you can come out to support your student. Thank you,
4 months ago, Dr. Jesse Coronado
4 months ago, Jeff Delk
Schoolwide attendance for 9/5/24 is 96.2%, 137/142
4 months ago, Jeff Delk
100% Attendance/ Asistencia
4 months ago, Lupita Flores
Schoolwide attendance for 9/4/24 is 97%, 128/132
4 months ago, Jeff Delk
Schoolwide attendance for 9/3/24 is 100%, 132/132
5 months ago, Jeff Delk
Padres, junta comunitaria hoy a las 6 de la tarde en la cafeteria. Venga a escuchar mas sobre: 1)sistema de drenaje 2)pavimento en las calles 3)Banquetas 4) parque 5)alumbrado publico 6)dispensador de agua potable 7)clases de ingles gratuitas 8)necessidades de la comunidad. DRC
5 months ago, Dr. Jesse Coronado
Parents, community meeting today at 6:00pm in the cafeteria. Come hear more information about: 1) drainage system 2) pavement in the streets 3)Stools 4) park 5)Street lighting 6) Drinking water dispenser 7) Free English classes for adults 8) Community needs
5 months ago, Dr. Jesse Coronado
Parents, there will be no school on Monday, September 2, 2024 in observance of Labor Day. Classes resume on Tuesday, September 3,2024. Padres, no habrá clases el lunes 2 de septiembre en observación de el día laboral. Las clases resumen el martes, 3 de Septiembre. DRC
5 months ago, Dr. Jesse Coronado
Schoolwide attendance for 8/30/24 is 88.6%, 117/132
5 months ago, Jeff Delk
Ducor STEAM Academy is here! https://www.ducorschool.com/page/steam
5 months ago, Jeff Delk
Schoolwide attendance for 8/29/24 is 96.2%, 127/132
5 months ago, Jeff Delk
Schoolwide attendance for 8/28/24 is 96.2%, 126/131
5 months ago, Jeff Delk
The Ducor Union Elementary School District (pursuant to Education Codes 5090-5903) will make two (2) provisional appointments to fill a board member positions due to vacancies created by Florance Pace and Micheal Hall effective December 9, 2024. The provisional appointees will hold office until the regularly scheduled election in November 2024, whereupon an election will be held to fill the vacancy. These are both four-year terms to expire in 2028. Interested citizens who would like to be considered as a candidate for appointment should request an application from the Office of the Superintendent, Ducor Union Elementary School District, located 23761 Ave 56/PO Box 249, Ducor, CA, telephone (559)534-2261, email Mari McDowell at marimcdowell@ducor.k12.ca.us or on our website at ducorschool.org. Requirements for Appointment (pursuant to Education Code 35107): • A registered voter residing within the Center Joint Unified School District • Not disqualified by the Constitution or laws of the state from holding a civil office • 18 years or older • A citizen of the State of California • Cannot serve as a Board member and be an employee of the school district. The Board of Trustees sets the policies that guide the Ducor Union Elementary School District. The Board meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 6:00 PM (Closed Session beginning at 6:00) at 23761 Ave 56, Ducor, CA 93218. Additional special meetings and committee meetings are scheduled throughout the year. Further information regarding the functions of the Board can be found in Board Bylaws 9000. Applications will be accepted beginning September 8 through October 8, with a filing deadline of 4:00 PM on Friday, October 8, 2024. Postmarks will not be accepted. Submit applications to the Superintendent's Office, Ducor Union Elementary School District. The DUESD Board of Trustees plan to interview qualified candidates, select, and act on the provisional appointment at the Regular Board Meeting scheduled for Wednesday, October 12, 2024.
5 months ago, Jeff Delk
Schoolwide attendance for 8/27/24 is 93.9%, 123/131
5 months ago, Jeff Delk
Schoolwide attendance for 8/26/24 is 95.4%, 125/131
5 months ago, Jeff Delk